UNITED KINGDOM: UKCA marking and UK approval process
As follow-up on our NEWS from 19th SEP 2020 (https://www.7layers.com/en/united-kingdom-ukca-marking-after-brexit/), we want to inform as follow:
For getting market access in Scotland, England and Wales till 31.12.2021, the CE marking of products for showing compliance to RED regulation is fully accepted as a kind of transition period. This also applies in the case that an EU-type examination (TEC) has been issued in case of non-harmonized standard to demonstrate compliance with RED article 3.2.
Since 01.01.2021, a manufacturer has to issue a UK Declaration of Conformity (UK DoC*, similar to this for EU), as long the product fulfil the harmonized standards which are currently almost identically to them for EU**. If a product is not compliance to harmonized standard (“non-designated”), an UK Conformity Assessment Body must be involved for getting a UKCA certificate to demonstrate compliance with the UK Radio Equipment Regulations. This can be also done voluntary although fully compliancy to harmonized standards is given.
In other words: If a product needs a EU-type examination certificate for fulfilling the RED requirements, it will also need a UKCA certificate for market access in Scotland, England and Wales.
Btw, Northern Ireland is covered by EU regulations as before. There are just some minor cases where further rules should be considered (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukni-marking). While marking of products with CE-logo will be sufficient till end of 2021, from 01.01.2022 marking with UKCA mark* by fulfilling UK regulations is obligatory. The CE mark can be kept simultaneously. Till 31.12.2022, UKCA marking and labelling with importer company’s name and contact address can be done with a temporarily sticker or on accompanying documentation, after this date it must be a permanent marked on the product***.
* Guidance regarding the UK DoC and UKCA mark: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukca-marking#self-declaration
** Information regarding the designated standards: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/designated-standards-radio-equipment
*** Information for import requirements: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/placing-manufactured-goods-on-the-market-in-great-britain