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Interlab EVO Test Management to be released at Mobile World Congress

Veröffentlicht am 21 February 2017

Interlab EVO – Test Management for the IoT
7layers presents the next evolution of test management for wireless connected devices and IoT services at Mobile World Congress 2017

7layers presents “Interlab® EVO” at the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona (Stand 1F50 of Bureau Veritas). Interlab EVO is a web-based, flexible test management solution that ideally supports the complex verification & validation processes that are required for the development and market access processes of connected devices and IoT services. With the evolution of the IoT, devices and services are becoming more complex and prone to error. This results in costly recalls and fixes that endanger customer satisfaction. With Interlab EVO users can rely on a consistent process organization, combined with a high level of automation that stands for effective team collaboration, error prevention, quality and time-to-market.

We welcome Mobile World Congress visitors to our stand in Hall 1, 1F50, on Tuesday afternoon, 28th February 2017

  • 4:30-5:30 pm
    for an Industry Insight on the “Theory of Testing and Test Management” and an Interlab EVO presentation
  • 4:30 – 7:00 pm
    followed by a drinks reception at the Bureau Veritas stand and further talks with our specialists.

Interlab EVO is composed of the Test Management System and the Test Requirements Management System.

Users organize the actual project handling within the Test Management System, which includes version control of devices-under-test, test laboratory management, results management and automated test report generation. Specific report templates can easily be uploaded and used within the system. Members of different teams and locations work together 24/7 on the seamless platform.

The Test Requirements Management System is an individual module of Interlab EVO, enabling users to smoothly manage the numerous and Interlab_EVO_Overviewconstantly changing specifications, quality policies and the consequential test plans. Specifications, including test specifications plus test case descriptions, and quality policies, containing official or private certification aspects, are the backbone of any verification lifecycle management process. Interlab EVO ideally supports the handling of such crucial information. Once uploaded data can be centrally maintained and used time and time again, by all teams involved.

Ready-to-use Content Packages

In the IoT environment, which is characterized by continuous change, it is of prime importance to maintain such specifications continually for up to date test and certification processes. To facilitate this, 7layers offers ready-to-use content packages for Interlab EVO. These cover the requirements of industry interest groups such as GCF, PTCRB, Bluetooth® and LoRaWAN. Ready-to-use content packages for regulatory requirements such as RED of FCC are currently in planning. The flexible system also enables users to enter their own content, including product or service requirements, specific quality policies, device-under-test descriptions and report templates.

Test Plan Generator

The Interlab EVO Test Requirements Management System also features a fast and almost automatic test plan generator. Users simply choose the quality policy their device-under-test should adhere to and describe it via a guided questionnaire. The system simultaneously and automatically creates the respective test plan, which can be adapted manually if necessary. Should requirements or product changes arise, the generation of “delta test plans” is fully supported. If preferred, it is also possible to import test plans created by “Interlab LIVE”, an online test plan generator from 7layers, or use test plans from other Interlab sources.

Working with Interlab EVO

The highly critical but laborious task of tracing test results back to their respective requirements, is facilitated by the seamless Interlab EVO platform and its systematic, consistent process organization. It effortlessly compares features and versions of devices-under-test, plus the test laboratories and test resources involved, with the respective quality policies and specifications including test cases and test parameters. For a quick and precise project overview and status information, the system provides clearly arranged metrics of test results via specially designed dashboards.

“With Interlab EVO we are now offering a comprehensive but also flexible verification lifecycle management solution for the IoT”, explains Carsten Kuhfuss, Interlab Product Manager at 7layers. “Depending on the size and the requirements of their organization, customers can not only choose between different product options and content packages. The generic interfaces between Interlab EVO and other IT systems also enable them to easily import relevant data and templates to manage their specific needs. Interlab EVO is the successor of the proven Interlab software system, which is in use by certification organizations, network operators, IoT service providers, test laboratories and leading smartphone manufacturers around the world.

After the initial presentation at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Interlab EVO will be introduced to the market gradually, starting spring 2017.


About 7layers: 7layers is a group of engineering & test centers specializing in wireless technologies. The organization supports the development, testing and market access processes of connected devices, as well as the set-up and maintenance of Smart Services. Stakeholders in Smart Services processes, such as manufacturers and suppliers of connected devices, wireless component manufacturers, network operators, application developers and the Smart Services providers themselves benefit from using 7layers services and products. 7layers services for connected devices encompass antenna and module integration; RF consulting; Radio/EMC testing, interoperability, field and conformance testing; certification (PTCRB, GCF, Bluetooth®, MirrorLink, LoRa and many more) and international type approval (RED (R&TTE), FCC, ISED Canada etc.). Smart Services processes are supported with technical consulting, analysis of suitable technologies, reviewing requirements, benchmarking as well as the development of specifications, quality policies, test specifications and test cases. Additionally, 7layers provides test solutions (Bluetooth RF, Device/UICC, TTY, LoRa) and the new Interlab EVO Test Management System for the verification lifecycle management of connected devices and Smart Services.
The 7layers service centers and/or accredited test labs are located in the USA (Irvine, Sunnyvale), Germany (Ratingen), Korea (Seoul), Japan (Yokohama) and China (Beijing, Shenzhen). 7layers belongs to the Bureau Veritas Group, a global leader in testing, inspection and certification, serving a large variety of industries. More information at:  and  Contact:

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